Girl you are my song
You are the melody and you are the harmony
Girl you're in my mind
Spinning around my brain, and i go insane
You light up my life
You make the sun shine
And you keep away the rain
Sweet is your emotion
Girl you are my song
You are the melody and harmony
Babe you're the only music of my life
If it never ends i'll never tire
When you're happy makes me feel so good
When you're sad, i feel the same way too
You are my song
Girl you are my song
You are the melody and you are the harmony
Girl you're in my mind
Spinning around my brain, and i go insane
You light up my life
You make the sun shine
And you keep away the rain
Sweet is your emotion
Fly listening to you make me feel so light
You're the one who sends me in the sky
You control the rhythm of my heart
And i hope that beat will never stop
You are my girl, you are my song
You are the melody and harmony
Girl you're in my mind
Spinning around my brain, and i go insane
這首歌,CAROL整整找了近二十年,記得在高職的時候,老師常會在上課前播放一些英文歌曲,當時沒想到要去問,要去找,等到畢業後才來重溫舊夢,有的我都找到了,比如ABBA的『I HAVE A DREAM』,而這首是最久的,我只記得前面兩句以及基本旋律,其它,歌者及曲名完全不知,也曾經在B2B的搜尋軟體中KEY入GIRL字樣,結果找到的都不是,那這次是怎麼找到的呢,真是要讚嘆一下孤狗(GOOGLE)的偉大了,因為之前曾用一小段文字搜尋出作者名及篇名,就想到試試看好了,所以,KEY入『GIRL YOU ARE MY SUN』以及『YOU ARE THE MELODY』,因為這是我記得的兩句,沒想到的不是SUN,而是SONG,總之,這一KEY下去,就跑出作者及曲名了,接下來,要找歌就簡單了,真是費盡千辛萬苦啊,雖然是老歌,卻是韻味十足的老歌啊,值得珍藏,值得好好聆聽欣賞啊。